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Free as the wind that blows through the trees,
Active as the buzzing of the energetic bees,
Wild as the flowers that grow in the field,
But as calm as the deep blue sea...


Trenuci - Horhe Luis Borhes
Moments - Jorge Luis Borges

Kad bih svoj život mogao ponovo da proživim
pokušao bih u sledećem da napravim više grešaka,
ne bih se trudio da budem tako savršen,
opustio bih se više.
Bio bih gluplji nego što bejah,
zaista, vrlo malo stvari bih ozbiljno shvatao.
Bio bih manji čistunac.
Više bih se izlagao opasnostima,
više putovao,
više sutona posmatrao,
na više planina se popeo
više reka preplivao.
Išao bih na još više mesta
na koja nikada nisam otišao,
jeo manje boba, a više sladoleda,
imao više stvarnih, a manje izmišljenih problema.
Ja sam bio jedan od onih
što je razumno i plodno proživeo
svaki minut svog života:
imao sam, jasno, i časaka radosti.
Ali kad bih mogao nazad da se vratim
težio bih samo dobrim trenucima.
Jer, ako ne znate, život je od toga sačinjen,
od trenova samo; nemoj propuštati sada.
Ja sam bio od onih što nikada nikuda nisu išli
bez toplomera, termofora, kišobrana i padobrana.
Kad bih opet mogao da živim
lakše bih putovao.
Kada bih ponovo mogao da živim
s proleća bih počeo bosonog da hodam
i tako išao do kraja jeseni.
Više bih se na vrtešci okretao,
više sutona posmatrao, sa više se dece igrao,
kada bih život ponovo pred sobom imao.
Ali, vidite,
imam 85 godina,
i znam da umirem.

Moments - Jorge Luis Borges

If I were able to live my life again,
next time I would try to make more mistakes.
I would not try to be so perfect. I would be more relaxed.
I would be much more foolish than I have been. In fact,
I would take very few things seriously.
I would be much less sanitary.
I would run more risks. I would take more trips,
I would contemplate more sunsets,
I would climb more mountains,
I would swim more rivers.
I would go to more places I have never visited.
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans.
I would have more real problems, fewer imaginary ones.
I was one of these people who lived prudently
and prolifically every moment of his life.
Certainly I had moments of great happiness:
Don’t let the present slip away.
I was one of those who never went anywhere
without a thermometer, a hot water bottle,
an umbrella, and a parachute.
If I could live over again,
I would go barefoot, beginning
in early spring
and would continue so until the end of autumn.
I would take more turns on the merry-go-round.
I would watch more dawns
And play with more children,
if I once again had a life ahead of me.
But, you see, I am eighty-five
and I know that I am dying.

Category: 1 comments


free_like_an_albatross said...

Opet onaj osećaj da su neke pesme pisane baš za mene...

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